
Cymbal Rush (The Eraser - Thom Yorke) [歌詞 Thom Yorke]

【勝手に訳詞・解釈】 THE ERASERの巻

9. Cymbal Rush

Try to save it but it doesn't come off the rug 助けようとするけれど ラグマットから降りようとしない
Try to build a wall that is high enough 十分に高さのある壁を建てるんだ

It's all boiling over すべてがあふれ返っている
All boiling over 何もかもがあふれ出していく

Try to save your house 君の家を救おうと試みる
Try to save your songs 君の歌を守ろうとする
Try to run  逃げようとする
But it follows you up a hill けれど そいつは丘をかけあがり追いかけてくる

It's all boiling over 何もかもがあふれ流されていく
All boiling over すべて収拾がつかなくなっている
Your loved ones  君の愛するものたち
Your loved ones  君が愛するものたち

A normal conversation  ふつうの会話
A normal conversation  何気ない会話
You should a took me out while you had the chance チャンスがあるうちに 君は僕を連れ出すべきだった
You should a took me out while you had the chance チャンスがあるうちに 僕を連れ出すべきだったんだ

All the rooms renumbered  全ての家々は新たに番号がつけかえられ
And the losers turned away  そして 負け犬どもは顔をそむけた
Don't turn away  顔をそむけるな
Don't turn away  顔をそむけるな
You should a took me out while you had the chance チャンスがあるうちに 僕を脱出させてほしかった

There were ten in the bed  ベッドには10人いた
And the little one said, Roll over  そのなかの小さい子が言った 「転がれ~」


それこそ、この曲が収録されているアルバムThe Eraserのジャケットの絵を思い起こさせる歌詞です。また、アルバムのタイトル「消し去るもの」もそう。

そしてその危機感が迫りくるかのように、Cymbal Rush-シンバルの連続した音がじわじわと押し寄せてくるようなサウンドがとても印象的な曲です。

最後の一文、There were ten in the bed... はイギリスの子供の数え歌にある歌詞です(歌詞は下記)。


There were ten in the bed and the little one said,
'Roll over, roll over!'
So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were nine in the bed and the little one said,
'Roll over, roll over!'
So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were eight in the bed and the little one said,
'Roll over, roll over!'
So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were seven in the bed and the little one said,
'Roll over, roll over!'
So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were six in the bed and the little one said,
'Roll over, roll over!'
So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were five in the bed and the little one said,
'Roll over, roll over!'
So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were four in the bed and the little one said,
'Roll over, roll over!'
So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were three in the bed and the little one said,
'Roll over, roll over!'
So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were two in the bed and the little one said,
'Roll over, roll over!'
So they all rolled over and one fell out

There was one in the bed and the little one said,
'Good night!'


- your loved ones と your little voice
- normal conversation と no more conversation

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